woensdag 25 januari 2012

Watch the Aurora on the web if your skies are rubbish...

Look at the Aurorae in Tromsø on live all-sky webcams if your own skies are overcast or there's too much light-pollution:    Tromsø LIVE Northern Lights (Aurora Borealis) solar activity, prediction and forecast
CLICK TO WATCH LAST VIDEOS OF NORTHERN LIGHTS Midnight sun light the skies in Tromsø from about 18 May to 26 July. It is possible to see aurora in Tromsø from early September until middle of April.

maandag 16 januari 2012

Cold-war tactics ain't ded yet!

..."The Russian space chief said he had no explanation to frequent space project failures",...“I don’t want to make any accusations, but today there is powerful equipment to influence spacecrafts, and the possibility of their use should not be ruled out,” he said."...

From an article on the Novosti-site about upcoming investigation on the Phobos-Grunt spaceship that crashed in the Pacific Ocean near Chili yesterday